Scipy Signal Processing

One of the greatest strengths of matlab is the included signal processing. The python scipy library has many of these capabilities and some are highlighted below. These have applications in electronics, microscopy, telescopy, radio, and many other fields.

By the end of this file you should have seen simple examples of:

  1. Frequency decomposition via Fourier transforms
  2. Feature detection via correlations
  3. Convolution and deconvolution
  4. Digital filtering of signal using infinite impulse response (IIR) and finite impulse response (FIR) filters

Further reading:
IIR Filters:
FIR Filters:

In [1]:
import numpy as np               # Python numpy 
from scipy import signal, stats  # Python scipy signal package

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt   # Python matplotlib library
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec # Multiple plots in a single figure

# Display matplotlib in the notebook
%matplotlib inline 

%cd datafiles


Fourier Transform Examples

Fourier transforms are most often used to decompose a signal as a function of time into the frequency components that comprise it, e.g. transforming between time and frequency domains. It's also possible to post-process a filtered signal using Fourier transforms.

FFTs decompose a single signal into the form of:

$$ Y = \frac{1}{2} a_0 \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} a_n cos (n x + \phi_x) $$

Amplitude Example

Here, we solve for the individual $a_n$, so we know how strong each of the individual signal components are.

In [2]:
# Create signal
frq1 = 50                    # Frequency 1(hz)
amp1 = 5                      # Amplitude 1
frq2 = 250                     # Frequency 2(hz)
amp2 = 3                      # Amplitude 2
sr = 2000                     # Sample rate
dur = 0.4                     # Duration (s) (increasing/decreasing this changes S/N)

# Create signal and timesteps
X = np.linspace(0, dur-1/sr, int(dur*sr))  # Time
Y_s = amp1*np.cos(X*2*np.pi*frq1 - np.pi/4)+amp2*np.cos(X*2*np.pi*frq2 - np.pi/2) # Signal

# Add noise
Y_sn = Y_s + 40*np.random.rand(len(X)) # Signal + noise

plt.plot(X[1:100], Y_sn[1:100])
plt.title('Plot of Signal with Noise')
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
plt.ylabel('Amplitude of Signal')

In [3]:
# Plot Single Sided FT Spectrum
Y_sn_fft = np.fft.fft(Y_sn)

# Update fft output
FT = np.roll(Y_sn_fft, len(X)//2)     # Shift zero freq component to center of spectrum
SSFT_amp = np.abs(FT)[len(X)//2:]     # Use the absolute value for amplitude; spectrum is symmetric - start from zero freq component
SSFT_amp = 2/len(X) * SSFT_amp          # Normalize

# Determine frequencies
freqs = sr/len(X)*np.arange(0,len(SSFT_amp))

# Plot
plt.plot(freqs[1:], SSFT_amp[1:])
plt.title('Single-Sided Spectrum of Signal')
plt.xlabel('freq (Hz)')
plt.ylabel('Freq Amplitude')

The amplitudes don't seem quite right - longer duration increases the signal to noise and gives a better result:

In [4]:
# Create signal
sr = 2000                      # Sample rate
dur = 10  # Increased duration (s) (increasing/decreasing this changes S/N)
X = np.linspace(0, dur-1/sr, int(dur*sr))  # Time
Y_s = amp1*np.sin(X*2*np.pi*frq1 - np.pi/4) + amp2*np.sin(X*2*np.pi*frq2 + np.pi/2)
Y_sn = Y_s + 40*np.random.rand(len(X))

# Determine Single Sided FT Spectrum
Y_sn_fft = np.fft.fft(Y_sn)

# Update ft output
FT = np.roll(Y_sn_fft, len(X)//2)     # Shift zero freq component to center of spectrum
SSFT_amp = np.abs(FT)[len(X)//2:]     # Use the absolute value for amplitude; spectrum is symmetric - start from zero freq component
SSFT_amp = 2/len(X) * SSFT_amp        # Scale by 2 (using half the spectrum) / number points

# Determine frequencies
freqs = sr/len(X)*np.arange(0,len(SSFT_amp))

# Plot
plt.plot(freqs[1:], SSFT_amp[1:])
plt.title('Single-Sided Spectrum of Signal')
plt.xlabel('freq (Hz)')
plt.ylabel('Freq Amplitude')

In [5]:
# Create signal
sr = 2000                      # Sample rate
dur = 10  # Increased duration (s) (increasing/decreasing this changes S/N)
X = np.linspace(0, dur-1/sr, int(dur*sr))  # Time
Y_s = amp1*np.cos(X*2*np.pi*frq1 - np.pi/4) + amp2*np.cos(X*2*np.pi*frq2 + np.pi/2)
Y_sn = Y_s + 40*np.random.rand(len(X))

# Determine Single Sided FT Spectrum
Y_sn_fft = np.fft.fft(Y_sn)

# Update ft output
FT = np.roll(Y_sn_fft, len(X)//2)     # Shift zero freq component to center of spectrum
SSFT_amp = np.abs(FT)[len(X)//2:]     # Use the absolute value for amplitude; spectrum is symmetric - start from zero freq component
SSFT_amp = 2/len(X) * SSFT_amp        # Scale by 2 (using half the spectrum) / number points

# Determine frequencies
freqs = sr/len(X)*np.arange(0,len(SSFT_amp))

# Plot
plt.plot(freqs[1:], SSFT_amp[1:])
plt.title('Single-Sided Spectrum of Signal')
plt.xlabel('freq (Hz)')
plt.ylabel('Freq Amplitude')

Phase Example

Phase is shift of a periodic signal 'left' or 'right'. it is the $\phi_x$ in the following equation:

$$ Y = \frac{1}{2} a_0 \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} a_n cos (n x + \phi_x) $$

In [6]:
# We can use the previous signal to get the phase:

# Set a tolerance limit - phase is sensitive to floating point errors 
# (see Gotchas and Optimization for more info):
FT_trun = FT
tol = 1*10**-6 # Truncate signal below tolerance level
FT_trun[np.abs(FT_trun)<tol] = 0

# Use the angle function (arc tangent of imaginary over real)
phase = np.angle(FT_trun[len(X)//2:])
phase_rad = 1/np.pi * phase # Convert to radians

# Plot
plt.plot(freqs[1:], phase_rad[1:])
plt.title('Single-Sided Spectrum of Signal')
plt.xlabel('freq (Hz)')
plt.ylabel('Freq Amplitude')

This shows the phase for every single frequency, but we really only care about the nonzero frequencies with minimum amplitude:

In [7]:
nonzero_freqs = freqs[SSFT_amp > 1][1:]
print('Notable frequencies are: {}'.format(nonzero_freqs))

inds = [list(freqs).index(x) for x in nonzero_freqs] # Return index of nonzero frequencies
print('Phase shifts for notable frequencies are: {}'.format(phase_rad[inds]))

Notable frequencies are: [ 50. 250.]
Phase shifts for notable frequencies are: [-0.2472882   0.48326961]

This is better visualized without noise:

In [8]:
# Determine Single Sided FT Spectrum
Y_s_fft = np.fft.fft(Y_s)

# Update ft output
FT = np.roll(Y_s_fft, len(X)//2)  

# Set a tolerance limit - phase is sensitive to floating point errors 
# (see Gotchas and Optimization for more info):
FT_trun = FT
tol = 1*10**-6 # Truncate signal below tolerance level
FT_trun[np.abs(FT_trun)<tol] = 0

# Use the angle function (arc tangent of imaginary over real)
phase = np.angle(FT_trun[len(X)//2:])
phase_rad = 1/np.pi * phase # Convert to radians

# Plot
plt.plot(freqs[1:], phase_rad[1:])
plt.title('Single-Sided Spectrum of Signal')
plt.xlabel('freq (Hz)')
plt.ylabel('Freq Amplitude')

In [9]:
# To streamline, we can create a function in Pandas (see Pandas Crash Course for more info):
import pandas as pd

def fft_norm(signal, sr=1):
    '''Return a normalized fft single sided spectrum.''' 
    signal = signal[: signal.shape[0]//2*2] # Use an even number of data points so can divide FFT in half evenly
    N = signal.shape[0]
    freqs = sr*np.arange(0, N//2)/N 
    # FFT
    fft = np.fft.fft(signal)
    fft = np.roll(fft, N//2) # Shift zero freq component to center of spectrum
    # Normalized Amplitude
    amp_norm = 2/N*np.abs(fft[N//2:])
    # Phase
    tol = 1*10**-6 # Truncate signal below tolerance so phase isn't weird
    fft[np.abs(fft)<tol] = 0
    phase_rad = np.angle(fft[N//2:])/(np.pi) 
    # To convert the phase, use (fft_norm(Phase (Radians)+np.pi)) * conversion factor/(2*np.pi)
    # I.e. add Pi to the output before converting from radians
    return  pd.DataFrame({'Frequency':freqs, 'Amplitude':amp_norm, 'Phase (Radians)':phase_rad, 'Phase (Degrees)':phase_rad*180}).set_index('Frequency')

Y_ms = Y_s-Y_s.mean() # Mean subtract to remove the offset (0 freq component)
fft_norm(Y_ms, sr=2000).plot(subplots=True, layout=(3,1)) # mean subtract to

Notch Filter

Plot our original, non-noisy two-component signal:

Perform the Fourier transform, and set the 200 Hz signal to zero:

In [10]:
# Fourier transform
Yfft = np.fft.fft(Y_s); 

freqs = sr*np.arange(0,len(Yfft)/2)/len(Y_sn) # Frequencies of the FT
ind250Hz = np.where(freqs==250)[0][0] # Index to get just 250 Hz Signal 

Y_filt = Yfft[:] # The original, non-absolute, full spectrum is important
full_w = 200     # Width of spectrum to set to zero

# Set FT at frequency to zero
Y_filt[ind250Hz-int(full_w/2):ind250Hz+int(full_w/2)] = 0 # Set the 250 Hz signal (+-) to zero on the lower side
Y_filt[-ind250Hz-int(full_w/2):-ind250Hz+int(full_w/2)] = 0 # Set the 250 Hz signal (+-) to zero on the upper side

# Determine single sided Fourier transform
SSFT_filt = Y_filt[:int(len(Y_filt)/2)]   # Index the first half
SSFT_filt = np.abs(SSFT_filt)             # Use the absolute Value
SSFT_filt = SSFT_filt/len(X) * 2          # Normalize and double the values (FFT is wrapped)

# Plot
plt.plot(freqs[1:], SSFT_filt[1:]) 
plt.title('Single-Sided Spectrum of Signal')
plt.xlabel('freq (Hz)')
plt.ylabel('Amplitude of X')

Inverse Fourier transform back, and plot the original filtered signal:

In [11]:
# Inverse FFT the original, non-absolute, full spectrum
Y2 = np.fft.ifft(Y_filt) 
Y2 = np.real(Y2) # Use the real values to plot the filtered signal

# Plot
plt.plot(X[:100],Y_s[:100], label='Original')
plt.plot(X[:100],Y2[:100], label='Filtered')
plt.title('Two Signals')
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
plt.ylabel('Signal Amplutude')

While the Fourier amplitudes properly represent the amplitude of frequency components, the power spectral density (square of the discrete fourier transform) can be estimated using a periodogram:

In [12]:
# Determine approx power spectral density
f, Pxx_den = signal.periodogram(Y_s, sr)

# Plot
plt.plot(f, Pxx_den)
plt.xlabel('frequency [Hz]')


Correlations are a measure of the product of two signals as a function of the x-axis shift between them. They are often used to determine similarity between the two signals, e.g. is there some structure or repeating feature that is present in both signals?

In [13]:
# Create a signal
npts = 200
heartbeat = np.array([0,1,0,0,4,8,2,-4,0,4,0,1,2,1,0,0,0,0])/8
xvals  = np.linspace(0,len(heartbeat),npts)
heartbeat = np.interp(xvals,np.arange(0,len(heartbeat)),heartbeat) # Use interpolation to spread the signal out

# Repeat the signal ten times, add some noise:
hrtbt = np.tile(heartbeat,10)
hrtbt_noise = hrtbt + np.random.rand(len(hrtbt))

# Plot
G = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1)               
axis1 = plt.subplot(G[0, 0])
axis1.set_title('Single Heartbeat Electrocardiogram')

axis2 = plt.subplot(G[1, 0])
axis2.set_title('Noisy Electrocardiogram for repeating Heartbeat')


The center of the repeating (heartbeat) signal is marked as a centroid:

In [14]:
# Find center of each repeating signal
cent_x = np.arange(1,11)*200 - 100
cent_y = np.ones(10)*max(hrtbt)

# Plot
plt.plot(hrtbt[:], label='heartbeat')
plt.plot(cent_x[:],cent_y[:],'r^', label='Centroid')
plt.title('Heartbeat Electrocardiogram')

Correlate the single signal with the repeating, noisy one:

In [15]:
# Correlate
corr = signal.correlate(hrtbt_noise, heartbeat, mode='same')

# Plot
plt.plot(corr/max(corr), label='Corelogram')
plt.plot(cent_x,cent_y,'r^', label='Centroid')
plt.ylabel('Normalized Volts $^2$')

The correlogram recovered the repeating signal central points. This is because at these points, the signal has the greatest similarity with the rectangular pulse. In other words, we're recovering the areas that share the greatest amount of similarity with our rectangular pulse.


Convolution is a process in which the shape of one function is expressed in another. They're useful for adjusting features, or representing real-world measurements if the response of the filter or instrument is known.

As an example, consider a 1 dimensional image taken by an optical microscope (here, a sawtooth wave). The microscope itself imposes empirical limitations in the optics they use approximated by a Gaussian point squared function (PSF). The final image is the convolution of the original image and the PSF.

In [16]:
# Signal and PSF
orig_sig = signal.sawtooth(2*np.pi*np.linspace(0,3,300))/2+0.5 
psf = signal.gaussian(101, std=15)                          

# Convolve
convolved = signal.convolve(orig_sig, psf) 

# Plot
G = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 1)                
axis1 = plt.subplot(G[0, 0])
axis1.set_xlim(0, len(convolved))
axis1.set_title('Original Pulse')

axis2 = plt.subplot(G[1, 0])
axis2.set_xlim(0, len(convolved))
axis2.set_title('Point Spread Function')

axis3 = plt.subplot(G[2, 0])
axis3.set_xlim(0, len(convolved))
axis3.set_title('Convolved Signal')



Deconvolution can be thought of as removing the filter or instrument response. This is pretty common when reconstructing real signals if the response is known.

In the microscope example, this would be deconvolving image with a known response of the instrument to a point source. If it is known how much the entire image is spread out, the original image can be recovered.

In [17]:
# Deconvolve
recovered, remainder = signal.deconvolve(convolved, psf)

# Plot
G = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 1)                              
axis1 = plt.subplot(G[0, 0])
axis1.set_xlim(0, len(convolved))
axis1.set_title('Convolved Signal')

axis2 = plt.subplot(G[1, 0])
axis2.set_xlim(0, len(convolved))
axis2.set_title('Known Impulse Response')

axis3 = plt.subplot(G[2, 0])
axis3.set_xlim(0, len(convolved))
axis3.set_title('Recovered Pulse')



Filters recieve a signal input and selectively reduce the amplitude of certain frequencies. Working with digital signals, they can broadly be divided into infinitie impulse response (IIR) and finite impulse response (FIR).

IIR filters that receive an impulse response (signal of value 1 followed by many zeros) yield a (theoretically) infinite number of non-zero values.

This is in contrast with the the finite impulse response (FIR) filter that receives an impulse response and does become exactly zero beyond the duration of the impulse.

IIR and FIR filters are also different in that they have different filter coefficients (b, a) that represent the feed forward coefficients and feedback coefficients, respectively. Feed forward coefficients (b) are applied to input (x) values, and feedback coefficients (a) are applied to output (y) values - i.e:

$y(n) = b_1*x(n) + b_2*x(n) - a_1*y(n) - a_2*y(n) $
$b_j*x(n)$ are the feed forward coefficients, using $x$ values
$a_j*y(n)$ are the feedback coefficients (notice the $y(n)$!)

Generate Signal

First, we generate a signal and approximate the power spectral density (PSD):

In [18]:
frq1 = 250                    # Frequency 1(hz)
amp1 = 3                      # Amplitude 1
sr = 2000                     # Sample rate
dur = 1                       # Duration (s) (increasing/decreasing this changes S/N)

# Create timesteps, signal and noise
X = np.linspace(0, dur-1/sr, int(dur*sr))  # Time
Y = amp1*np.sin(X*2*np.pi*frq1)            # Signal
Y_noise = Y + 40*np.random.rand(len(X))    # Add noise

# Approx PSD
f, Pxx_den = signal.periodogram(Y_noise, sr) 

# Plot
G = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1) 
axis1 = plt.subplot(G[0, 0])
axis1.plot(X, Y_noise)
axis1.set_title('Plot of Signal with Noise')

axis2 = plt.subplot(G[1, 0])
axis2.plot(f, Pxx_den)
axis2.set_title('Approx PSD')


Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters

Digital filters inherently account for digital signal limitations, i.e. the sampling frequency. The Nyquist theorem asserts that we can't measure frequencies that are higher than 1/2 the sampling frequency, and the digital filter operates on this principle.

Next, we create the digital filter and plot the response, using both feedforward (b) and feedback (a) coefficeints.:

In [19]:
f_order = 10.0             # Filter order
f_pass = 'low'           # Filter is low pass
f_freq = 210.0             # Frequency to pass
f_cutoff = f_freq/(sr/2) # Convert frequency into 

# Create the filter
b, a = signal.iirfilter(f_order, f_cutoff, btype=f_pass, ftype='butter') 

# Test the filter
w, h = signal.freqz(b, a, 1000)  # Test response of filter across 
                                 #    frequencies (Use 'freqz' for digital)
freqz_hz = w * sr / (2 * np.pi)  # Convert frequency to Hz
resp_db = 20 * np.log10(abs(h))  # Convert response to decibels

# Plot filter response
plt.semilogx(freqz_hz, resp_db ) 
plt.title('Butterworth Bandpass Frequency Response')
plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
plt.ylabel('Amplitude (dB)')
plt.axis((100, 500, -200, 10))
plt.grid(which='both', axis='both')

Applying the filter to our signal filters all higher frequencies:

In [20]:
# Apply filter to signal
sig_filtered = signal.filtfilt(b, a, Y_noise)  

# Determine approx PSD
f, Pxx_den_f = signal.periodogram(sig_filtered, sr) 

# Plot
G = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1) 
axis1 = plt.subplot(G[0, 0])
axis1.plot(f, Pxx_den)
axis1.set_title('Approx PSD of Original Signal')

axis2 = plt.subplot(G[1, 0])
axis2.plot(f, Pxx_den_f)
axis2.set_title('Approx PSD of Filtered Signal')


Finite Impulse Response Filters

A finite impulse response (FIR) filter can be designed where a linear phase response is specified within specified regions (up to the Nyquist or 1/2 of the sampling frequency). Only feedforward coefficients (b) are used.

In [21]:
# Create FIR filter
taps = 150                           # Analogus to IIR order - indication 
                                     #    of memory, calculation, and 
                                     #    'filtering'
freqs = [0, 150, 300, 500, sr/2.]    # FIR frequencies
ny_fract = np.array(freqs)/(sr/2)    # Convert frequency to fractions of 
                                     #    the Nyquist freq
gains = [10.0, 1.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0]  # Gains at each frequency

b = signal.firwin2(taps, ny_fract, gains) # Make the filter (there are no 
                                          #    'a' coefficients)
w, h = signal.freqz(b)                    # Check filter response

# Test FIR filter
freqz_hz = w * sr / (2 * np.pi) # Convert frequency to Hz
resp_db = 20 * np.log10(abs(h)) # Convert response to decibels

# Plot filter response
plt.title('Digital filter frequency response')
plt.plot(freqz_hz, np.abs(h))
plt.title('Digital filter frequency response')
plt.ylabel('Amplitude Response')
plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')

And the effect of the FIR digital filter:

In [22]:
# Apply FIR filter
sig_filtered = signal.filtfilt(b, 1, Y_noise) 

# Determine approx PSD
f, Pxx_den_f = signal.periodogram(sig_filtered, sr)

# Plot
G = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1)                         
axis1 = plt.subplot(G[0, 0])
axis1.plot(f, Pxx_den)
axis1.set_title('Approx PSD of Original Signal')

axis2 = plt.subplot(G[1, 0])
axis2.plot(f, Pxx_den_f)
axis2.set_title('Approx PSD of Filtered Signal')


Interestingly, the FIR filter can be replicated by convolutions. A set of related benchmarks relating to that property is available here: